Media statement - 19 September 2024
Grampian Housing Association
Grampian Housing Association’s regeneration of former Victoria Road School considered no longer feasible
Regrettably, due to the significant reduction in the total Affordable Housing Grant, no grant funding can be allocated in 2024/25 to Grampian Housing Association’s regeneration of the former Victoria Road School.
In the context of a national housing emergency difficult decisions have to be taken and value for money is paramount in decision making.
The costs of the Victoria Road School regeneration project are significantly above those normally expected in delivering new build social properties, given the unique nature of the project in terms of regeneration, incorporation of community facilities and retention of the granite heritage.
In this context grant funding will be allocated in Aberdeen City Council’s programme according to its revised priority assessment criteria in response to the reduced national budgets, with value for money as a key element, and priority given to houses over flatted developments.
Grampian Housing Association will now be considering its own development programme priorities in the city for 2025/26 and beyond, based on changing housing needs and house type demands, the growing challenges and risks to the organisation as well as Aberdeen City Council’s prioritisation methodology.
Sandra MacIntyre
Communications Lead
Grampian Housing Association
M: 07825 142311
Notes to Editors
Grampian Housing Association’s overall strategy is to develop sustainable communities, with a balance of tenure types including social housing, mid-market (affordable) and market rent as well as low cost home ownership (part buy, shared equity).
With homes suitable for single people, couples, families, the elderly and people with special needs we aim to meet the housing needs of a wide range of client groups.
In recognition of the link between housing need and other forms of social exclusion we also provide money advice and debt counselling, housing support, routes into work and support the development of community facilities.
Services for the voluntary and public sectors include business development, environmental services, office accommodation and a health centre.